Shelby Tube Expansion Packers / Soil Seals


Shelby Tube Expansion Packers are also known as Soil Seals and Expansion Plugs.  ECT Manufacturing's Soil Seals provide a safe and effective method of preserving the collected soil sample. The Expansion Packers ensures your sample is sealed in the Shelby Tube for transport.

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    Shelby Tube Expansion Packers are also known as Soil Seals and Expansion Plugs.  ECT Manufacturing's Soil Seals provide a safe and effective method of preserving the collected soil sample. The Expansion Packers ensures your sample is sealed in the Shelby Tube for transport.

Shelby Tube Expansion Packers are also known as Soil Seals and Expansion Plugs.  ECT Manufacturing's Soil Seals provide a safe and effective method of preserving the collected soil sample. The Expansion Packers ensures your sample is sealed in the Shelby Tube for transport.